The Centre supports academic research that is attentive to, and seeks to ameliorate, practical policy challenges. CGLG members are involved in a range of projects that engage with policymakers in government, intergovernmental organisations, and civil society.
Adam Bower is a signatory to an open letter, organised by the Outer Space Institute, University of British Columbia, Canada, calling on the United Nations to commence efforts to negotiate a multilateral agreement banning the testing of kinetic anti-satellite weapons. The letter is endorsed by a distinguished group of academics, former politicians and diplomats, industry leaders, and concerned citizens. A copy of the letter is available here and interested individuals can sign the letter via this link. (September 2021)
Filippo Costa Buranelli has been interviewed about his work on ‘illiberal solidarism’ by the Illiberalism Studies Program at George Washington University. You can read the interview here. (February 2021)
Mateja Peter was invited by the Stabilisation Unit to provide expert comment on the Conflict and Instability strand of the Integrated Review (IR) focussing on Britain’s place in the world. The IR will deliver a reset of the UK’s international and national security objectives, and the capabilities and systems needed to deliver them. It is linked to this autumn’s Comprehensive Spending Review. (July 2020)