Filippo Costa Buranelli

Senior Lecturer in International Relations

Personal website
School of IR profile

Pillars: peace and security; leadership and agency

Keywords: order, international society, regionalism, norms, global governance


Filippo is a Lecturer in International Relations and currently serves as Chair of the English School section at the International Studies Association. Prior to joining St Andrews, Filippo taught at King’s College London and UCL. His work is strongly interdisciplinary, being situated at the intersection between IR theory, regionalism, area studies (in particular Eurasia), and international history. His research has appeared in Geopolitics, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, International Relations, Europe-Asia Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, and Problems of Post-Communism among others, as well as in several edited volumes. Filippo’s latest work on illiberal solidarism in Central Asia is forthcoming in International Studies Quarterly.


University research profile